If you are looking to cancel your overseas visitor health cover, you will need to contact your health fund directly, due to privacy. Usually, you'll be requested to complete a form and return it to the fund for processing.
Bear in mind, that cancelling your Overseas Visitor Health Cover can impact the following:
Your visa, and ability to stay in Australia, so be sure to get advice from an immigration specialist before doing so.
Significant out-of-pocket cost, should you require medical treatment whilst still in Australia without appropriate cover
There is normally a 30 day period of continuity after cancelling, after which waiting periods will need to be re-served if you later decide to take out different cover
Usually, the first month of premiums paid is not refundable. After that, refunds are usually provided pro rata for any premium paid in advance.
Of course, you may be able to compare and switch to a more cost-effective cover. If cost is the concern, get in touch with one of Compare Club's friendly OVHC experts.