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What can I expect when comparing car insurance with Compare Club?
What can I expect when comparing car insurance with Compare Club?

Looking to compare your car insurance? Here's how we do it.

Updated over 4 months ago

Compare Club has partnered with some great insurers to bring you our latest offering - car insurance.

We can help you compare options for:

  • Comprehensive

  • Third party fire and theft

  • Third party property damage

You can complete the whole process online in just a few minutes. Simply pop an enquiry through our online form, then click through to the insurer's website to finish your application. The insurer will also follow up with a call to help you with any questions you might have.


Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 634 600 007) of 222 Pitt Street Sydney (Ph: 1300 904 624), owns and operates Compare Club Car Insurance. Compare Club Australia is an authorised representative of Alternative Media Pty Ltd (AFSL 486326). Our advice is of general in nature which means it does not take into consideration your current objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, before acting on this advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice for your own circumstances. Compare Club Car Insurance compares selected products from a panel of trusted insurers. We do not compare all products in the market. For more information about our services, including how we are paid, please read our Financial Services Guide.

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